I've never blogged before, so take it easy on me. I basically intend on turning this into my online journal, but for now how about I just tell you about myself and about the crazy title that I've picked to this blog.
Well, My name...Names aren't really important are they? Actually I think that for the purposes of this particular page I'm going to omit all real names and just give people names like...lets say....Bob. I like Bob. Always have. lol. But rest assured that everyone I am going to talk about does indeed exist and is not named Bob. hehe. You can just call me Sporkninja. I know its weird but that's what everyone else calls me and when you have such a kick-butt nickname why not keep it.
I'm 23 and mother to a beautiful 3 month old baby. Her name is Bean and well she is just the most adorable Lima-bean I've ever laid eyes on. but of course I'm bias. She is half of the reason for the name of this blog. I really have no one to talk to about her. I mean the Hubs is working 14 hour days and my family is...well...lets just say be happy your not related to them. So for refuge I turned to the Internet. A place where I can express myself and (if I keep to what I said earlier and omit names) talk freely about the problems I am having.
If your wondering about why I would be raising a moose...My sister had a beautiful baby boy 2 years ago. She had 12 miscarriages before she finally kept a pregnancy and while she was caring him she was on TOTAL bed rest. When she finally had him they had to induce labor and he came out blue. Dead for a whole 3 min. He's fine now! Thank the Goddess. But he has learning disabilities now, and he's 2 and is just now starting to make out SMALL words. I love him to pieces but his medical stuff is tearing me up. There is only so much that one person can worry. After my sister had him though, I lived with them for the first 6 weeks to help out. I still am a big part of his life. And HE IS THE BIGGEST 2 YEAR OLD ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH! Lol. Aka. The Moose.
So I may rant some in this blog. I may complain. I may even make obscure references to old Star Wars movies, all in all this is just me emptying my head and venting some steam. Any-who, hello and I hope you read me!!
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