Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wow it's been awhile...

It's been along time since I updated everyone on the going ons of myself, The Moose and Bean. Not that anyone is actually reading this so really I'm updating myself. Bean just turned 2 last tuesday. She is learning all sorts of new things, infact her lovely daddy taught her to say "drop a duce" which I'm not to happy about. Although I did laugh when I heard it for the first time. I know, I know I shouldn't encourage. But I couldn't help it :)
Moose is doing alright. We haven't spent much time together since we took the Bean and moved thirty minutes away. But like my hubby says, you go where the money is. And thanks to the economic down fall of our beautiful country, we lost the house and had to move. Suckish. I know. Speaking of Moose though, he made it through his first year of head start this year! My sister found him a program for special needs children at an elementary school where my niece goes, and he gets to ride the bus, super exciting :)
Being thirty minutes away and gas prices being what they are, I haven't gotten out much lately. My activities have consisted of making homemade body scrubs, and experimenting with new and exotic recipes. Last week Bean and I made broccoli cheese and bean casserole. In hine sight not such a good idea, Bean's gas is worse then her father's. I spent most of that night with my hand clamped firmly at my nose.
Other then that there's not a whole lot to tell. I promise (myself, because there is no one reading...) to write more often :) and if anything interesting ever happens you'll be the fir...sec...well you'll hear about it eventually... :)

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