Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Autism and Green Beans

I haven't written in a while. Sorry for that. I had my leap done. Didn't hurt much, but the after shock (soreness) isn't the most pleasant thing in the world. I had some bad news in the past few days. The learning disorder that had in the past been unidentified now has a name, since its 12am and I haven't slept I can't remember what that is right now. lol. But I can tell you that its a mild form of Autism.
My poor Moose!! It doesn't really matter to me though, he will always be my moose and nothing can change that! I did see how different from other kids he is this last weekend. I took him to my in-laws for early Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. There were alot of kids there and a few that were even the same age as he was, but he was so different. For one thing he was WAY bigger then the other kids. And when I say bigger I don't mean fatter. Moose husky and, well, built like a quarterback or a linebacker. Tall and thick. These kids were about 10lbs lighter then him and almost 3 inches shorter. I also noticed that the way he talks is alot different. I mean a 2 year old shouldn't be reciting Shakespeare, but they should at least say some things. It just hurt my heart to see it. He also plays by himself far too often. *sigh* I guess he's just Moose. lol.
Well, on a good note, Bean started eating solids yesterday!! nothing big just green beans, but at least that's something!! Anyhow, it's 12:30 now and I'm beat so I'm going to hit the hay. thanks for letting me vent. lol.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Puke, Poop and Trampalines! OH MY!!

Yes this entry does involve some body functions so if your easily grossed out you might want to turn away now. I'll try to keep the nasty to a minimum. I am scheduled to have a leap done today at 4pm. I'm kinda worried about it. I mean I've never had one done, and even though a leap sounds like a fun action you do by jumping over things, its really a procedure where they cut things off your cervix. So I'm thinking its not going to feel nice. Anyways, because of the leap today, I didn't sleep last night. Tossed and turned all night worrying about how much it was going to hurt to have part of me cut out. The Bean was sick and to make a long story short, she decided that not only was she going to magically turn her poop into refried bean dip (hope no one is hungry for but that she was going to puke on every outfit I put on her. Indeed even if I wanted to sleep, it wouldn't have happened what with the pooping and puking...YUCK!
At about 8:30am the Hubs came home from a night at work and I was all ready to snuggle up and take a nap (I know its lame to say, but the comfiest place I've ever been is in his arms. I love the Hubs!!) when who should call? None other then Lou, my sister and Moose's mom, telling me that she needed me to come over and help her with Moose while she steam cleaned the carpets.
Now, I didn't know this, but apparently when your potty training a boy, you need to be with him all the time...or maybe that's just Moose. lol. At any rate he had taken off his diaper and as my sister put it in her lovely description of what happened "Dropped a log and pee-pee-ed" on the carpet and furniture. After a good laugh I went over and intertained the Moose (who was now bathed and rediapered) while my sister steamed the carpet, and got sick several times...
Why am I telling you this?? I'm not quite sure. lol. I figure that if I had to go through this this morning, I should take some of you with me. lol. Nah, really I'm telling you this as a cautionary tale. If you have little boys that you are potty training, keep a close eye on them. Or they may just...well you get the picture.

3 good things did happen so far today! Moose learned 3 new things! He can now count to 4, say Orange, Yellow, Pink, and Green. and sing the Blues Clues song...SOOO CUTE!!!

I Guess this is Hello

I've never blogged before, so take it easy on me. I basically intend on turning this into my online journal, but for now how about I just tell you about myself and about the crazy title that I've picked to this blog.
Well, My name...Names aren't really important are they? Actually I think that for the purposes of this particular page I'm going to omit all real names and just give people names like...lets say....Bob. I like Bob. Always have. lol. But rest assured that everyone I am going to talk about does indeed exist and is not named Bob. hehe. You can just call me Sporkninja. I know its weird but that's what everyone else calls me and when you have such a kick-butt nickname why not keep it.
I'm 23 and mother to a beautiful 3 month old baby. Her name is Bean and well she is just the most adorable Lima-bean I've ever laid eyes on. but of course I'm bias. She is half of the reason for the name of this blog. I really have no one to talk to about her. I mean the Hubs is working 14 hour days and my family is...well...lets just say be happy your not related to them. So for refuge I turned to the Internet. A place where I can express myself and (if I keep to what I said earlier and omit names) talk freely about the problems I am having.
If your wondering about why I would be raising a moose...My sister had a beautiful baby boy 2 years ago. She had 12 miscarriages before she finally kept a pregnancy and while she was caring him she was on TOTAL bed rest. When she finally had him they had to induce labor and he came out blue. Dead for a whole 3 min. He's fine now! Thank the Goddess. But he has learning disabilities now, and he's 2 and is just now starting to make out SMALL words. I love him to pieces but his medical stuff is tearing me up. There is only so much that one person can worry. After my sister had him though, I lived with them for the first 6 weeks to help out. I still am a big part of his life. And HE IS THE BIGGEST 2 YEAR OLD ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH! Lol. Aka. The Moose.
So I may rant some in this blog. I may complain. I may even make obscure references to old Star Wars movies, all in all this is just me emptying my head and venting some steam. Any-who, hello and I hope you read me!!