Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lets get down to buisness...

Alots been changing around in my little world. For one, we went with "plan B" and moved. Not the best of outcomes but the cheapest and in the end the happiest choice for all. Bean has learned that if you say "p-p-p-please" to Daddy that he gives her whatever she wants, and because of this has been stuck to him like glue for the past two weeks or so. Thats fine with me though. It gives me alittle alone time to work on things like dishes, laundry, and the all important task of unpacking. Which by the way I haven't finished yet.
As for the sticker chart, one of the guys that helped us move ripped it (he thought it wasn't important I guess) and when the chart went so did Bean's motivation. I'm trying to keep her interested, but its not working like I had hoped.
Some good things have happened recently, one of which is Bubba! My sister had her baby boy two weeks ago!! He is beautiful and healthy, and is the spitting image of his big sister Froggy. I took Bean to see him for the first time last week. She held him and gave him a big kiss, then said "ok baby, I done" and went to play with her toys. Two year olds...
The Hubbs and I have been trying to get her ready for Aunt Kake's up coming wedding, She is the flower girl and all. We're trying to teach her to throw the peddles out of a basket on to the floor. She's fine with that but everytime she does it she says "Happy Birthday". Aunt Kake thinks this is hillarious, so do the rest of us. lol. She said that if Bean wants her and Uncle E-Wreck to have a "Happy Birthday" then thats fine with them.

Friday, August 5, 2011

How stickers save the world

I have tried just about everything in my mission to get Bean potty trained. Nothing seemed to get her interested enough to stay on the potty chair. I had her bigger cousin Froggy sit on it an go #1, nothing. She watched me, Aunt Kreagle, Nana, EVERY female in my family (sounds weird but thats what the pedatrition told us to do) nothing. Candy, nothing. But I finally stumbled on something that I thought wouldn't work. I was walking through the craft isle at my local Dollar General and Bean pointed at a package of stickers. They weren't anything specail, just animal stickers, but she had to have them. That got me thinking, maybe the experts were right, and so we started a sticker chart. I didn't really think it would work, but sure enough, if you say "if you go potty you get a sticker" Bean becomes glued to her little pink potty chair. :) I should have tried this a while ago. She's only gone in it like once, but its progress :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

No rest for the wicked

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, lots of stuff going on. Apparently my landlord is the devil and is trying all she can do to get us to pay more. She doesn't know us very well or she'd know that we can't afford it. Like my mom always said, "you can't get blood from a turnip." *sigh* Anyway, Bean is a grouchy baby today. 6 hours in a car looking for what I call "plan B" does not make for a happy toddler. That mixed with my nephew Jetson's first birthday party (at my house) and my younger sister's baby shower (also my house) and Froggy's birthday party (might be at my house) has got me pulling my hair out! All of those are within a week of each other by the way. I guess that my family thinks I'm superwoman or something. Gotta love family. Oh yeah did I mention the bridal shower I have to plan for Bean's Aunt Cake? GAH! I feel like checking out for the next month! At least the Hubbs is going to be home in a couple of weeks. I think that I'm starting to see the light at the end of a very long August.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

STOP! potty time!

Yes indeed. Bean is starting potty training...again. I have tried this is the past and every time I did she didn't seem ready. Last night though Bean disappeared into the bathroom while I was cleaning her room, she came out 10 min later saying "I peepee, I big girl now" I thought she meant on the floor because her diaper was nowhere to be seen, but sure enough I walked into the bathroom and her little pink potty chair was full. I was so proud!! maybe this time it'll stick!! hopefully, I'm done with diapers :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

I love Oatmeal

I love oatmeal, really I do. But I would love it a whole lot more if Bean wouldn't feed it to her dolls. lol. I made her some strawberry oatmeal for breakfast, and as I have been thinking she is old enough to sit at her little table and eat rather then her highchair she has been getting up from her little pencil chair and feeding spoon fulls to her favorite doll, Baby Cakes. Her name not mine. lol. I don't really mind, the doll is washable, I just hope she gets some of that into her mouth. lol.

Yesterday was fun, I took Bean to go see my mom. If you don't know about my mom, which you wouldn't because your anonymous interweb people, she had SJS about 3 years ago. SJS is like a chemical reaction in the body and in my mother's case it causes your skin to slough off. She was treated like a burn victim and kept in a chemically induced coma for 6 months while they did skin graphs and treated her remaining skin. At one point the doctors told us to start making funeral arrangements because only 5 % of all cases of the disease ever survive. But despite all this, my mom is a fighter and made it through to the shock and awe of her doctors :) She is alive but has scares over 80% of her body.
Anyway, Bean has never known Nana another way, so it doesn't freak her out to see her like that. And she loves her some Nana. As an added bonus yesterday Bean got to play with her cousin Froggy, not her real name of course but I've called her that forever. It was just a wonderful time had by all. :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Its My Breakfast, And I'll Eat What I Want To

Woke up this morning at 7am. I went to bed at 3, thats right I had a grand total of 4 hours last night. I don't know what it is, I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling for hours until I wake up the next morning without even knowing I fell asleep in the first place. It's maddness I tell you! I feel like, and lets say this together kiddos, I was hit by a simi.
If your wondering about the clever title, Bean woke up today and saw that Mommy had baked cupcakes. And of course, I knew the war had begun. So, even though I'm really against a 2 year old having that much sugar this early in the morning, I decided that it was far too early and I had slept far too little to argue with a toddler. She ended up devouring it, and getting crumbs everywhere. It's going to be a long day...

< At least Bean's happy, I gave her my old digi cam so she chould take pictures just like mommy. She's in her room right now saying "say cheese" to everything. lol.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cupcaking continued

finished results, you be the judge :)


Bean and I are extreamly bored. So we have decided to bake cupcakes and decorate them to look like owls and zebras. not too sure how this is going to turn out, but I got the idea from Bean's Aunt Cake (you know who you are :) ). we went to her house a week or so ago and made lion cupcakes, ADORABLE. Anyway, I decided I want to "out cupcake" her. I have declared a cuteness war and the one who wins will be the queen of all that is cute! Not really, lol. We're just really bored and this seemed like a fun thing to do. I'll post pictures when they're done :) ummmmm cupcakes....*dooooools*

Cheesy egg burritos, and the Preschool search

Just got back from the doctor, and decided that since we were so patient Bean and I deserved some Mctasty for breakfast, a rare treat for us. :) But instead of enjoying my yummy breakfast burritos and coke, I got a phone call from the hubbs lecturing me about finding a Preschool for Bean. I know I need to do it, but can't he wait till I'm digesting or something. Anywho, I think I found a good one right in our neighborhood. Its non-profit, so no tuition. That's great, I just don't know if I'm quite ready for this. I know without a doubt that Bean is. She loves other kids, and once she is distracted by a new toy Mommy doesn't matter anymore. I just don't know if I can let go. She is my only little sprout, and I think I'll miss her too much. The hubbs had this talk with me, he said that eventually I'm going to have to let go and now is as good a time as any. I know he's right, its just hard :( she isn't even out of diapers yet...I guess I have 2 months to work on that before school starts....my Bean is starting school....*sigh*. Guess I'll take up knitting or something to keep me occupied...

Sleep is over rated

I have about 10 minutes to spare. Taking the Bean to a doctor appointment this morning. Nothing serious, just a check up, but I would be alot happier about it if I had gotten any sleep last night. I dunno what it was, maybe the ginormous spider I found in the shower (YUCK) or maybe the ten times Bean woke up screaming for her mommy. I dunno, I just know that I feel like I just got hit by a simi and now I have to go sit in a stupid waiting room for 20 minutes for a doctor to tell me that Bean is "devoloping just fine". BLAH! anyways, If your in the need for a good way to pass time I suggest reading "Switched" by Amanda Hocking. Its an amazing book, and the first in the Trylle series. GO, READ, Expand your mind young ones. lol. anyways, to the doctor we go....write more later...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wow it's been awhile...

It's been along time since I updated everyone on the going ons of myself, The Moose and Bean. Not that anyone is actually reading this so really I'm updating myself. Bean just turned 2 last tuesday. She is learning all sorts of new things, infact her lovely daddy taught her to say "drop a duce" which I'm not to happy about. Although I did laugh when I heard it for the first time. I know, I know I shouldn't encourage. But I couldn't help it :)
Moose is doing alright. We haven't spent much time together since we took the Bean and moved thirty minutes away. But like my hubby says, you go where the money is. And thanks to the economic down fall of our beautiful country, we lost the house and had to move. Suckish. I know. Speaking of Moose though, he made it through his first year of head start this year! My sister found him a program for special needs children at an elementary school where my niece goes, and he gets to ride the bus, super exciting :)
Being thirty minutes away and gas prices being what they are, I haven't gotten out much lately. My activities have consisted of making homemade body scrubs, and experimenting with new and exotic recipes. Last week Bean and I made broccoli cheese and bean casserole. In hine sight not such a good idea, Bean's gas is worse then her father's. I spent most of that night with my hand clamped firmly at my nose.
Other then that there's not a whole lot to tell. I promise (myself, because there is no one reading...) to write more often :) and if anything interesting ever happens you'll be the fir...sec...well you'll hear about it eventually... :)