Friday, August 5, 2011

How stickers save the world

I have tried just about everything in my mission to get Bean potty trained. Nothing seemed to get her interested enough to stay on the potty chair. I had her bigger cousin Froggy sit on it an go #1, nothing. She watched me, Aunt Kreagle, Nana, EVERY female in my family (sounds weird but thats what the pedatrition told us to do) nothing. Candy, nothing. But I finally stumbled on something that I thought wouldn't work. I was walking through the craft isle at my local Dollar General and Bean pointed at a package of stickers. They weren't anything specail, just animal stickers, but she had to have them. That got me thinking, maybe the experts were right, and so we started a sticker chart. I didn't really think it would work, but sure enough, if you say "if you go potty you get a sticker" Bean becomes glued to her little pink potty chair. :) I should have tried this a while ago. She's only gone in it like once, but its progress :)

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