Friday, July 29, 2011

I love Oatmeal

I love oatmeal, really I do. But I would love it a whole lot more if Bean wouldn't feed it to her dolls. lol. I made her some strawberry oatmeal for breakfast, and as I have been thinking she is old enough to sit at her little table and eat rather then her highchair she has been getting up from her little pencil chair and feeding spoon fulls to her favorite doll, Baby Cakes. Her name not mine. lol. I don't really mind, the doll is washable, I just hope she gets some of that into her mouth. lol.

Yesterday was fun, I took Bean to go see my mom. If you don't know about my mom, which you wouldn't because your anonymous interweb people, she had SJS about 3 years ago. SJS is like a chemical reaction in the body and in my mother's case it causes your skin to slough off. She was treated like a burn victim and kept in a chemically induced coma for 6 months while they did skin graphs and treated her remaining skin. At one point the doctors told us to start making funeral arrangements because only 5 % of all cases of the disease ever survive. But despite all this, my mom is a fighter and made it through to the shock and awe of her doctors :) She is alive but has scares over 80% of her body.
Anyway, Bean has never known Nana another way, so it doesn't freak her out to see her like that. And she loves her some Nana. As an added bonus yesterday Bean got to play with her cousin Froggy, not her real name of course but I've called her that forever. It was just a wonderful time had by all. :)

1 comment:

  1. Dang, I had no idea about your mom. What an amazing women she is!!
